Check In Project Dialog

The Check In Project dialog shows differences comparing with the current file status. In the dialog you can review changes, exclude some of them from the check-in procedure or rollback the irrelevant ones.
The Check In Project dialog is an IDEA feature common for StarTeam and SourceSafe integrations.

Pressing the toolbar buttons or right-clicking the items in the dialog calls the following context menu.

Show Changes Calls the Difference View showing differences between the actual file content and the one marked by IDEA as 'current'. The same effect is achieved by simply clicking a necessary file.
Rollback Changes Select it to rollback file content to the state shown in the left view.
Edit Source Select it to rollback file content to the state shown in the left view.
Exclude from From Commit/Include Into Commit Select it not to check in a particular file. For excluded files (they are grayed) this option becomes Include Into Commit.
StarTeam | Compare with StarTeam/SourceSafe Version... If selected, shows Difference View between the local file content and the one in the StarTeam/SourceSafe repository.
SourceSafe-specific options
Keep checked out If selected, updates the repository copy with your changes but the file is still locked to you.
Store only latest version If selected, indicates that you do not want to save old version of the file(s) added to the VSS repository. Usually, VSS keeps a file history of changed records with comments. However, the older versions of the file are not stored with this option checked, and you cannot recover them.
Check out immediately If selected, checks out the added file to you immediately after adding it to VSS.